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DJI Neo Versus DJI Avatar 2 is it Even Fair?

First off, DJI did not sponsor this video in any way, the bucket full of cash required to buy these items was all on me… So you are getting my real views and opinions here.

I have previously owned the HoverAir X1 which is a lot like the DJI Neo in terms of both their autonomous flight abilities. I also owned the DJI Avatar 1, but sold it a while back. So I would say I have some personal experience with these types of drones and what they are really designed to do.

As the title of this video questions, is it a fair shootout comparing the DJI Neo to the Avatar 2? Yes and no. Both can do things that the other can not do as well or even at all. The DJI Neo is super small and compact and doesn’t even require any regulations while the DJI Avata 2 is almost 4 times the weight of the Neo and because of this, regulations can become a factor in flying it.

What can they both do:

They can both fly using the DJI Goggles 3 with your choice of either a DJI Motion Controller or the DJI FPV Remote Controller. This allows for a first person flight experience in the DJI Goggles akin to flying a jet fighter.

They both have GPS which is a nice safety feature if the drone goes out of range as it will go into return to home mode and generally fly back to you. 

They both can be flown in various modes, normal, sport and manual which allows the user to fly within their given ability and be able to also unlock the full potential of each drone.

What can the DJI Avata 2 do that the DJI Neo can not?

It’s not so much a specific thing, but more that the DJI Avata 2 is just so much better at what it can do over the DJI Neo.

The camera is a huge upgrade on the DJI Avata 2 with a massive improvement in image quality, the DJI Neo is fine for recording your experiences in the moment but you will not want to use the DJI Neo for professional quality videos.

The DJI Avata 2 is just bigger and more powerful, which means it can go much faster and react to controller input much quicker allowing for more dynamic and stable video. The DJI Avata 2 is not effected by wind nearly as much and so because of this it allows you to fly it in more weather conditions.

The DJI Avata 2 Has better range not only because the specifications say so, but because it can fly faster and has a longer battery life allowing you to get out further before your battery life runs down to the point where you have to come back. This means you are able to get those shots where physically being there is not an option.

What can the DJI Neo do that the DJI Avata 2 can not?

The biggest differed between the DJI Neo and the Avata 2 is the fact that the DJI Neo can fly in an autonomous mode that uses AI and programming to perform various flight modes by simply pushing a button on the drone and having it take off in your hand. No need for a controller or even your phone. This is great for capturing life as it happens with almost no prep time involve. Just take the DJI Neo out of your pocket, pick a flight mode and press a button, the DJI Neo will either zoom out, fly in a circle around you, follow you, track you, and a bunch more cool options.

On top of that the DJI Neo does not require a physical DJI controller to fly it in manual mode, you can use the DJI Fly App and view the camera on your phones screen along with using virtual control sticks on your phone to fly the DJI Neo up to 60 meters away and 60 meter high which is a decent range using just the WiFi on your phone.

The DJI Neo only weighs around 130 grams which means it does not have to follow any drone regulation so no drone license required or other limitations standard drones have to follow.

The DJI Neo is the best way to buy into the DJI Echo System, as the cost is only $199 US or $249 Canadian for the DJI Neo Drone and included battery which is all you need to get started. The DJI Avata 2 will set you back around $1000 US or $1300 Canadian as you will need at least the Goggle and a controller to fly it.

I personally think you should get both, especially if you plan on getting the Goggles and a Controller with your DJI Neo. In that case just buy the DJI Avata 2 package that includes everything, and then pickup a DJI Neo as you will now already have the DJI Goggles and a Controller that is compatible with the DJI Neo.


Campbell Valley Park Adventure as Seen through the DJI NEO

My wife and I go for a lot of walks with the dogs and more often than not, we head out to a park or a local trail, as it's just a lot nicer than hitting the streets. One of our go to places is Campbell Valley Park, as on a hot day the tree coverage keeps the temperature down for the dogs and for us.

Campbell Valley Park is a beautiful park with amazing tree covered trails, marshlands and wildlife all around. There are long and short walking options depending on how much time you have and how far you want to go.

I have been enjoying flying around with my DJI Neo and capturing all kinds of great video, in this video I recorded all the video suing the DJI Neo and the DJI Neo really tells a story as I use its various shooting modes to capture our dog walk adventure. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I would make the claim that a video may be worth thousands of words? Either way, enjoy our adventure with the dogs at Campbell Valley Park. 


View the DJI NEO App and Goggles on your Meta Quest Headset Over WiFi 

I was trying to figure out a way to share my DJI NEO Goggles 3 video feed to a secondary set of DJI Goggles (Goggles Integra) I had, but typical DJI this seems to not be possible with the equipment I am using. So I thought what if I can share my DJI Goggles 3 video feed over WiFi to the DJI Fly App loaded on my Meta Quest Headset?.

The Meta Quest Headset is Android based so you can install the DJI Fly App in a bit of a roundabout way by downloading the APK file from an APK website. It was worth a shot and it worked! You have to do the usually DJI voodoo dance to make the WiFi sharing happen but once you got that taken care of you can stream the DJI NEO Video form the DJI Goggles 3 to the DJI Fly App running on your Meta Quest Headset. And the latency is actual not bad at all, I would not want to fly this way but for a secondary person watching it is more than good enough.

I also discovered that you have the option of connecting directly to the DJI NEO using the DJI Fly App running on your Meta Quest and instead of using your fingers you simply use the Meta Quest hand controllers. You can be outside with pass through enabled on your Meta Quest Headset and fly around with a huge DJI Fly App window floating in front of you.

I am not sure how practical using the Meta Quest Headset as your virtual screen is but it is super geeky!


DJI NEO Do It All Mini Drone Full Review

This is not an unboxing first impression video with basic out of the box test videos. This video is going to go over how the DJI NEO actually performs comparing to the HoverAir X1 and other DJI dedicated Drones and FPV Drones.

I have used different drones to do everything the DJI NEO claims to do, but can the DJI NEO really do it all and if so can it do it all as good or good enough?

The short answer is yes it can do it all but will it meet your specific expectations?

I don’t claim to be a pro at any of the things the DJI Neo can do, but I have at least some experience using the HoverAir X1 for the past year which is a similar experience as what you get with the base model DJI NEO out of the box. 

I also have owned and flown standard DJI Drones with remote control setups for taking those cinematic flying around smooth shots. The DJI NEO out of the box can do limited distance and height using your DJI NEO with your phone in Manual Mode. You can also purchase the DJI NEO Fly More Kit that comes with the RC-N3 Controller and unlock almost limitless distance and even more features out of your DJI NEO.

I owned the first generation DJI Avata and flew it with the motion controller similar to what you can do with the DJI NEO when combined with the DJI Goggles 3 and RC Motion 3 Controller. That experience really got me more interested in experimenting with FPV drones.

I now own a bunch of FPV drones in various styles and sizes and use them with my DJI Goggles and Manual Controller to fly in full Manual Acro Mode for a true fps experience.

DJI NEO Compared to the HoverAir X1.

  • For the most part they both perform a lot of the same Selfie Camera shots like Follow, Droney, Circle, Rocket, Spotlight, Direction Track and some more specific to each unit.
  • You can fly them without a controller or even your phone by simply turning them on, selecting your flying mode and pressing a button.
  • They both can use your phone as a simple virtual controller to fly them around in manual mode and get some cool more cinematic shots.
  • They both can use your phones built in Microphone to record audio while taking out the drones propeller noise.
  • They are both well under 250 grams closer to 120 to 130 grams.
  • They both have a one axis gimbal setup.
  • The cameras in both are comparable. 2.7k 30fps for the HoverAir X1 and 4k 30fps for the DJI NEO.
  • Both have full prop guards and are very crash resistant.

Where does each one shin in my opinion?

HoverAir X1:

  • Starting with the HoverAir X1 it came out first and so more of the bugs and settings have been worked out, and you have to give them credit for being first here as DJI did a lot of copying if we are being honest.
  • The HoverAirX1 has more ability to change settings using the buttons on the drone without going into the phones software to do it.
  • The HoverAir X1 is better at staying in place when inside and in lower light situations.
  • The HoverAir X1 can record in portrait mode for social media content.
  • The HoverAir X1 can use just about any external USB or BT Microphone for recording to get better audio than just by using you phones internal Microphone. The DJI NEO only gives you the option to use their DJI 2 Microphone which starts at $300 Canadian.
  • The HoverAir X1 can be folded, making it much more portable.
  • The HoverAir X1 at this time can track a little bit faster than the DJI NEO, but that can change with a softer update in the future.
  • The HoverAir X1 does not restrict where you can fly as there is no Geo Fencing. The DJI NEO will not give you much of a problem here when in solo mode or when connected to the DJI Fly App without any controllers or Goggles, but when connected to addition DJI accessories, you will  have to factor in Geo Fencing limitations and work arounds which can be really annoying.


  • Moving on to the DJI NEO, the NEO has voice command as long as the DJI Fly App is open and your phone screen is on, very useful when wanting to change the drones distance and height in modes like Follow and Direction Tracking.
  • The DJI software is a bit more intuitive and the Manual Mode allows for much smoother control of the DJI NEO and further distances and height. (60m)
  • The DJI NEO records in 4k which is a bit better than the HoverAir X1 2.7k, but not by much. There is room for improvement with the NEO in terms of software updates but we will see what DJI does in terms of improving video quality and hopefully the ability to tweak the video settings.
  • The DJI NEO has built in GPS which allows it to stay in position outside better and even go over water and steep drop-offs.
  • The DJI NEO has an 18 minute battery run time versus the HoverAir X1 10 minute battery run time. (In real life it is more like 15 versus 8 minutes), so almost double per battery.
  • The DJI NEO is much more than a one trick pony with its ability to be much more than a Flying Selfie Camera Drone. It can be a full fledged remote controlled drone or even a true FPV drone when adding the additional accessories to it.

And that brings us to the point in this video where I talk about if the DJI NEO can really perform good enough to possibly replace your stand alone drone or even your FPV Drone? And again it depends on what your expectations are and what your end use in these modes is.

In terms of a stand alone drone, when the DJI is connected to the RC-N3 Controller, it can do much of the same tasks you would expect and get many of the same shots. Because of its size it will not be as good in stronger winds and it also does not have the power or speed of a larger dedicated Drone. Most of the DJI Drones also have higher quality cameras with larger sensors and 2 or even 3 axis gimbals with better stabilization. They also have much longer battery run times so you can go farther and longer with them. That said the DJI NEO may be good enough for a non-pro user to get the shots they are looking for.

The DJI NEO has been compared to the DJI Avata series and it does look a lot like a smaller version for sure. In terms of flying ink a DJI Avata, again it is smaller and less powerful so it will be slower and more prone to weather conditions. The camera systems on even the DJI Avata 1 is much better than the DJI NEO with full 4k 60fps ability and the DJI Avata 2 camera is even better than the Avata 1 camera.

As an FPV Drone you can strap on a set of DJI Goggles 3 and and instead of using the Motion Controller 3, you can connect to the RC Motion 3 Controller and get full manual mode FPV flying and hit speeds as high as 60km/h. You do have to be careful as the DJI NEO is not really a freestyle drone, if you push it too hard it will washout and go out of control potentially crashing, especially if you are close to the ground and it does not have time to recover. That said it is a lot of fun to fly if you fly within its limitations.

Some tips when using the DJI NEO based on my experiences:

  • Record in 4k for best quality except when in FPV Manual mode as the faster motion of FPV flying requires more frame rate speed to capture all of the motion without getting video jitter. Your feed in the DJI Goggles will look a lot better in 1080p 60fps as 1080p is the native resolution and 60fps is much smoother and allows for easier viewing while flying.
  • Do not use the DJI NEO inside in low light, it simply does not work very well in low light inside and will most of the time just land.
  • When using a remote like the RC-N3 or the Goggles 3, lower your video sharpness to (-2) for better looking video.
  • To fly in restricted GEO Zones you will need to go online and make a license request on the DJI Fly-Safe website and then you will need to treansfer that request license to your drone using the DJI Fly App while connected to the DJI NEO with with an internet connect. A bit of a process but after a few times you get the hang of it. I was not able to unlock a Geo Zone on location while in the app even with an internet connection. Hopefully this gets fixed down the road.


Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone Full Review

First off, Comica was kind enough to send the Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone System for free to review. That said the opinions in this review are my own and I do a fairly thorough review testing out the audio of the Comica BoomX-D PRO’s to my Comica Vimo C similar Microphone system. I use a variety of setups including recording into my camera and smart phone via line in and USB in. I also test out the internal recording capability of the Comica BoomX-D PRO’s to see if three is any difference in sound and levels.

One of the main reasons why I was interested in tech Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone System is its ability to record directly to internal memory so you do not necessarily need a receiver as you can record direct to internal memory to one or both of the transmitters Microphones and then transfer the audio to you computer or smart phone later to sync with any video you may have recorded to go along with it.

The Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone System also comes with lapel Microphones that you can use instead of the built in Microphones on the actual transmitters which can make for a more discreet microphone setup and may improve audio just a little bit. The Comica Vimo C Wireless Microphone System I have been suing for the last two years and which has never let me down and fulfilled pretty much all my audio needs is a bit more compact setup than the Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone System but Comica Vimo C’s do not have internal memory to record to our allow for using lapel microphones.

In terms of audio quality, both systems sounds fairly similar, the Comica Vimo C Wireless Microphone System to me sounds like it may be a bit fuller in the bottom end just a little bit but not by much. Both systems have a solid connection between the transmitters and the receiver giving good range with a reliable connection  with no cutouts as long as you do not get really far away with objects in-between the transmitter and receiver. I suggest you watch my Full Review Video and decide for yourself how you feel about the audio quality of the Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone System and if perhaps it may be the right setup for your audio recording needs. In my opinion they are a well priced system for what you get and are comparable to much higher pried units without compromising quality of build or sound.

Here are some of the key features of the Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone System:

  • 2.4G Digital Dual-channel Wireless microphone, Global Free Frequency.
  • 48kHz/16bits Audio Recording, One-click Intelligent Denoise.
  • Support On-board Recording with 16G Internal Memory(About 48 hour).
  • Support Recording File's High-speed Transmission and Copy.
  • Support Digital&Analog Output Mode, Universal for Camera, Phone and Computer.
  • Safety Channel for Ultimate Flexibility in Post-production.
  • Visual Power, Audio Dynamic Monitor and Other Display Function.
  • M/S Switch, Real-time Audio Monitor, Mute and Volume Control.
  • Internal and External MIC Two Input Modes.
  • RF Technology, Auto Freq. Adjustment, Stable Transmission.
  • Low Latency < 20ms, Working Range Up to 100m(Open Area).
  • Designed with Multi-functional Belt Clip and Compact.


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