Posts by Month


SLY-08 Electric Mountainboard Major Upgrades

I made a quick video a bit ago about my SLY-08 Electric Mountainboard I bought used to add to my fleet of PEV (Personal Electric Vehicles). I have had Electric skateboards in the past and really enjoyed them but when I bought my EUC and OneWheel I felt like the eSkateboard was a bit redundant and so I sold it.

The I went for a vacation to Oceanside California and bought an eSkateboard to get around on and remembered how fun they where. So when I got back I headed over to Facebook Marketplace and found a god deal on an Electric Mountainboard which is basically an eSkateboard Longboard but with bigger tires and wider trucks to handle more road conditions.

As is usually the case, I was not 100% satisfied with the overall power and speed so I installed a higher power battery which kind of worked but the motor control unit (ESC) was not able to utilize all the power and so the battery would only work when partially charged. OK, so more upgrades where needed to get all the juice out of the new battery! That meant a new motor controller and remote which unfortunately my first unit I bought was defective, unit number two was not defective but as is often the case the firmware did not match my remote firmware so this has complicated things as the new firmware download for my new motor controller was not downloading. I am still waiting for this firmware download from the company but I have managed to get the board working for the most part using a computer to program the old firmware.

I also got new tires and grip tape for the board along with the addition of lighting all around. It is not 100% complete but I am getting pretty close now!


What Was I Thinking? Scientific Consensus


This is the beginning of a new Series of Videos I will be making, they will all end up in their own Playlist over on YouTube called "What Was I thinking?"

I am making this new video series as I feel there is a lot going on in this cranium of mine that I can not always share with the people around me, it can be a lot to take in at times and it can get a bit dark, even for me. Over the last couple of years life for me has changed, I have become more and more aware of what is really going on in this crazy world we live in. Life for most people is mostly one distraction after another, with the intention of keeping most people doing what it is we are supposed to be doing. For everyone this can be a bit different, but in general we eat, we sleep, we work, we have friends and family we socialize with, and we go through life just repeating this every day until we die.

We are not supposed to look into things too deeply, for if we do, we may realize thoughts and beliefs that do not go along with the path we are supposed to take in society.

In this video I share my thoughts about what I call "Scientific Consensus" or simply just "Consensus". "Scientific Consensus" is simply put another way of  saying "Truth you are supposed to believe". If you decide not to believe or buy into the "Scientific Consensus", then you may become a problem for the organizations that benefit from the Truth they want you to believe. And you are labeled a person that is disruptive to society and is promoting misinformation, a person that needs to be discredited or removed from any position of notoriety.



DJI NEO Flight Fort Langley December 1st 2024

I love bringing my little DJI Neo along with me when I am out and about going for a dog walk or some sort of other adventure. I can throw it along with my DJI Goggles and FPV RC Controller in a really small backpack and don't even notice it. I may or may not use it but I have the option to...

So today I took it for a quick flight during our Dog Walk as it was a really nice day and I had not flown in a bit. Fort Langley has it all, a beautiful river, mountain views and great walking trails! Enjoy the view from up above, it's even better :)


SLY-08 Electric Mountainboard Added to My PEV Collection

If you know anything about me by following me along in my videos, then you know I have a passion for PEV's (Personal Electric Vehicles). I have owned or tried pretty much all of the fun ones :) I currently own an eMountain Bike which my wife uses mainly, I have a pretty decent Electric Scooter we all use for short trips or to take on vacation to get around. My favorite PEV is my KingSong S22 EUC (Electric Unicycle). It is by far the fastest and longest distance ride that I own, and it can go on virtually any terrain with its large off-roads tire and spring suspension setup.

I have also owned a couple of Electric Longboards, I had a BackFire G3 with Cloud Wheels but sold it a while back, I had too many PEV's! I also bought an Uditer Electric Longboard when I was in Oceanside a few weeks ago and was going to bring it back with me but unfortunately it died on me from a battery issue :( I did have it for just enough time to remember how much fun Electric Skateboards are, and so when I saw an SLY-08 Electric Mountainboard come up at a good price on Facebook Marketplace, I had to have it. The SLY-08 Electric Mountainboard is a bit larger than my previous two Electric Skateboards but not by much, It mainly has taller tires and a wider truck setup better suited for off-road riding and trails.

I have only ridden my SLY-08 Electric Mountainboard this one time while I made this video so I don't have a lot to say about it. I mainly wanted to get out and try it and let everyone know I have it and it may be showing up on some future videos. I do plan to make a quick thoughts review for it once I have ridden it a bit more, so stay posted for that video in a couple weeks or so...


Royal Medical Center Update - TRT Program Now Stays at the Discount Beyond 6 Months

This Video is going to be for my US subscribers and viewers, if you are from Canada I have links to a Canada based TRT company I have been working with over the past couple of years. Pandy Group. I’ll put a link  in the Description for you to find them.

Royal Medical Center is now back to $150 flat rate FOR LIFE. By using my Discount code you receive $45 off per month ongoing not just for the first 6 months.

If you are already a Royal Medical Center member that signed up using my discount code "GFO40", and you are not receiving this $150 per month rate, then make sure to contact Royal Medical Center and ask for the discount, I have been assured they will honor it for those that signed up with my discount code. "GFO40"

There are a lot of new TRT companies competing in the industry which I feel is a good thing as it makes everyone more competitive which means you the consumer will get the best pricing. That said, a company like Royal Medical Center has been doing this for a while and will be able to offer the best products and services. You really don’t know what you are going to get with a newer company, so just because they may be a bit cheaper does not mean you are getting better value.

You may notice I will be making a bunch more videos talking about Royal Medical Center, as they have added a bunch of new products and services to their programs since the last time a made a video about them.

Here is a list of Royal Medical Center full range of products they now provide. Use Code "MIKEPEP1"

Hormone Therapy:

  • TRT

Hair Loss:

  • Minoxidil
  • Finasteride
  • Ketoconazole
  • Latanoprost 


  • Hexarelin Injectable
  • Injectable BPC-157
  • Injectable CJC/IPAMORELIN
  • Tesamorelin Injectable
  • Sermorelin Acetate

Sexual Health:

  • PT-141
  • Tadalafil – Daily or As Needed
  • Sildenafil
  • Scream Cream

Supporting Medication:

  • Clomiphene
  • Enclomiphene
  • Gonadorelin
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

Vitamins & Amino Acids:

  • Injectable GAC
  • Injectable Vitamin B Complex
  • Injectable Vitamin B-12
  • Injectable Glutathione
  • Injectable NAD+

Weight Loss:

  • Semaglutide Injections
  • Tirzepatide Injections
  • Injectable GAC
  • Injectable Vitamin B Complex
  • Injectable Vitamin B-12