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Best Overall Workout Split and Program For Muscle Gains and Strength

First of all, thanks to all those that gave me their feedback about what video content they would like to see from me in terms of Health and Fitness Videos!

There where some really good recommendations for sure. One reoccurring idea was "Workout Program Suggestions". Things like Workout Splits, Sets and Rep Ranges, Types of Exercises, Workout Frequency... These are just some of the questions that if I could sum them all up into one Video would be a video talking about how to best use your time in the gym to get the most out of your strength training workout.

Now we all have very different goals in terms of why we strength train. For some people that will be for powerlifting, or maybe bodybuilding, or perhaps to help build strength for a sport you may be a part of. I think in general most people strength train or weight train simply to build muscle and get stronger so not only do they look better, but also feel better and be able to do more physically in real life.

No matter what your reasoning is, the goal when going to the gym should be to get the most out of your valuable time. I would say most people I see at the gym are not seeing their full benefits usually because they are going through the motions basically doing the same workout over and over again, and not pushing that little extra bit it takes to take things to the next level. So essentially they are at best maintaining what they have.

If you are happy with the results you are currently getting from your weight training, then don't change a thing until those results are no longer happening. If you are not happy with your current results, than you will have to change what you are doing to see positive results again. That usually means a program change that involves either more weight being lifted, more reps or more sets. So more volume of weight total being lifted during the entire workout. This usually will require that you track your workouts so you can compare past workout efforts to current workout efforts.

In this video I also talk a lot about how best to optimise your workout program in terms of my favorite workout body part splits, how often to hit each muscle per week, and how many days per week to weight train for best results.


What Health and Fitness Content Do You Want Me to Create

My goal for this channel has been to share content that my viewers are most interested in, and to try and post at least one video each week. As the channel name suggests (GetFitOver40), it is focused on people over 40,50,60 and even older. That said, I get a lot of interaction with younger viewers as well, Health and Fitness is interchangeable weather you are young or old. One just needs to consider any limitations they may have due to age, mobility, injuries or other.

The purpose of this video is to find out what content my viewers are most interested in me making on the GetFitOver40 channel. So far I have been making content I simply want to make and a lot of it is dependant on what's going on in my life at the time... Am I prepping for a Fitness Show? Did I get some new tech that may be related to Health and Fitness, or that is relevant to the channel? In a way the GetFitOver40 channel is kind of like a video diary of my life, and it's fun to look back over the years and watch older videos to see what was going on back then.

I really don't focus on what is always the most popular, I just make videos of stuff I am interested in at the time, but perhaps I need to rethink this approach and start focusing on more specific content to the channel. When I look at my most popular YouTube Videos, it sometimes surprises me which ones get the most views and I should probably make more videos that offer me some sort of return on investment for my time, but again I like to be able to make a video just because I want to without any profit agenda in mind.

What I am looking for is your feedback, what content would you like to see from me? What are you most interested in?


DJI 04 Air Unit Lite Update and Stabilization Issues

To sum up really quickly the difference between the  DJI 04 Air Unit (Lite), and the DJI 04 Air Unit Pro systems, the Lite is a little more than half the price of the Pro system at around $99 US versus $229 US so it does not have all the features or quality of the Pro, but the Lite version does offer a supper compact size perfect for smaller drones which is exactly what I am into.

I have 4 drones that had older DJI Vista Air Units in them, which allowed me the ability to use my DJI Goggles 2 Integras to view camera video in digital 720p which is leaps and bounds over what an analog VTX system looks like. The Vista system "cased" and "de-cased" fits in smaller FPV drones very well and overall I was happy with this setup. That is until DJI came out with the DJI 04 Air Units.

One of my biggest problems is that I had to keep my DJI Goggle 2 Integras in order to use my DJI Vista VTX and cameras. I was not able to use my newer DJI Goggle 3's, so I had to have two sets of rather expensive Goggles on hand to fly all my FPV drones. The logical solution was and is to swap out the Vista setup with the newer DJI 04 Air Units and get rid of my Goggles 2 Integras completely. The sale of my Goggles 2 Integras at around $350 along with the selling of my older DJI Vista Air Units will more than offset the price I pay for the newer DJI 04 Air Units, and I will get a significant upgrade in video quality in not only my Goggles but also the ability to record 4k 60 frame per second video on board the DJI 04 Air Units VTX.

There is one problem with all of this... The DJI 04 Air Unit Lite system has a bit of a flaw in that when you try and use stabilization to the record video, it actually makes the vide worse. I have a few ideas about this I talk about in this video and I am hoping that DJI will implement a firmware update soon and or that the addition of a proper camera mount that insulates the camera from the vibrations of the FPV drone will fix this problem...


What Was I Thinking - Think Twice Who You Talk To

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and as is typical with the New Year, we seem to want to have some sort of resolution to go along with the beginning of a new part of our life. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do this, but there is often a lot of pressure we put on ourselves by doing this. Especially if we ultimately end up failing in it...

This year my New Year Resolution is not even health and fitness related for myself. To be honest I am happy with my overall health and fitness goals and how I achieve them year to year. My health and fitness at this point in time for me is kind of on auto pilot. Can I do better? Sure. The bigger question is do I need or want to do better in this area? I am good right now...

For me there are other non health and fitness goals I probably need to work on more, at least at this point in time and for me I have decided to look at how I spend my time and energy when having conversations with people. The reality when we talk with another person, is we are giving a piece of ourselves to them. We are offering information and experiences we have collected over our life time, usually freely and hopefully without strings, with perhaps the only expatiation to be heard and understood. Unfortunately I often find myself inverting my ideas and opinions with people that at the end of the day do not appreciate it or even want it.

My goal for this year is to really think about who I am going to invest my time and energy in when it comes to having conversations and sharing information and ideas. That is going to be a challenge for me as I can be a bit of an open book, so I need to keep my book closed more often and let people come to me if they want me to open it or not.


What Was I Thinking - Dangers of AI Not What You Think

If you are a Terminator fan, then you may believe that someday AI may overtake humanity, and we all may find ourselves in a post apocalyptic war with AI robots. That may happen one day, but I think the biggest problem with AI, at least right now is that we just don't know what is real anymore and I am not as concerned that we are being fooled into believing an AI created video, but rather that we now disbelieve the actual truth right before us. This is very dangerous as even with actual proof in the from of a video, a person can now say it is AI and not real. What do you think is the most dangerous part of AI?