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Legs and Arms Workout 2 Weeks Out Vancouver Open

I have been asked fairly often to post more training videos especially when I am in Contest Prep, it can be hard as I am in there doing my best to get the job done and capturing videos does break up the workout a bit. My Insta360 GO2 camera does make it a bit easier to get those quick videos and so here you are... a rare Leg and Arms Training Day. I show only one set of each exercise that I did. For Legs I always hit a compound exercise like a press or squat or the likes and then I add in some extensions and curls, generally about 6 sets of each. For Arms I just pick one exercise and crush it with around 6 or so sets.

Keep in mind I do a similar Legs and Arms workout a total of 3 times per week, just like when I do Chest, Back, Shoulders and Calves. Abs and/or core is always added in at the end of every workout.

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