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« Legs and Arms Workout 2 Weeks Out Vancouver Open | Main | One of my Favorite Contest Prep Dinners »

55 Years Old Post Open Heart Surgery 2 Weeks Out

Here we are two weeks out form the Vancouver Open, the time is really flying by fast and we are getting really close now. Only two more weeks to get in peak shape and right now I feel I am on track and where I want to be. I know being the biggest version of me is not going to happen but I do feel like I will come in perhaps as conditioned if not maybe even more conditioned than I have ever been and that is not an easy task as there have been a few shows where I nailed my conditioning so that is a hard bar to beat but I will try nonetheless.

Any way, you be the judge as it gets harder and harder to be objective the closer I get to the contest, as the cutting game does begin to play with ones mind and skew reality just a bit. I still have some work to do and I am looking forward to the final results.

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