BC Championships - 8 Days Out - Updade and Posing

Just a hair over a week to go and I feel I am in close to the same shape I was in for my last Men's Physique contest which was the Victoria Cup. Granted I need to carb up and make sure my water is in check but in terms of body fat I feel I am around 5% or even a bit under. I still have a week of cutting to go so any remaining stubborn fat should be gone by then when I hit the Vancouver Pro Am Stage for my BCABBA 2016 BC Championships.
I even upped my calories a little bit as I felt I was losing weight too quickly and don't want to come in too depleted. The low carbs have been taking their toll on me being already so low in body fat, workouts have been a struggle and my energy in general is low through the day. It's a good thing this is a short term situation!
I have been training very smart making sure not to do anything that could get me injured but even so I somehow did something to my left quad, even at the time of my leg workout I did not feel any pain during or after, the effect of the injury snuck up on me the next day after my upper body workout that did not include any upper legs so how this came about so delayed is a mystery to me? The best way I can describe the pain is that it's like having DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) but like 5 times worse then the worst DOMS I have ever had! There is no specific soar spot on my qaud, the entire qaud is tender and tight and was a little swollen for a day or two. Four days after the pain kicked in I am still feeling it and my quad is still tender and tight. It has been getting progressively better so I hope by next week I will be able to train my quads at least a little. Good thing us Physique guys wear board shorts :)

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