BC Championships - 5 Weeks Out - How I Cut My Weight

Getting closer now but the BC Championships still seems kind of far off, once I get down to about 2 weeks out, and everything starts coming together, that's when it gets real! I am very happy with where I am currently at right now, I'm still keeping my weight up while cutting yet losing body fat and getting stronger, the workouts have been very intense and my body is really feeling it but I am close enough to keep pushing forward.
I have already made a dedicated video about how I cut weight when I want to diet down for fitness contests and such so make sure to check that video out as it is very detailed and you will be surprised at how I do very little of what the majority of people do to cut weight and keep muscle. I did want to go over some of the basics for my new viewers who may not have heard this info before as I feel it is worth taking a look at, especially if you have not had much success using traditional methods to cut weight while maintaining muscle mass.
In short, this is how I cut weight while maintaining muscle mass...
- Keep progressing in your workouts, this is not the time for low weights and super high reps, it's go time and you need to move more weight then you did each previous workout.
- Avoid Cardio at all times since cardio does not build muscle but rather uses up energy resources that could be used for weight training. If you need to be in a calorie deficit then simply eat less food!
- Keep your calories low Monday to Friday (around 1000 under maintenance) and on the weekends eat a little more so your body does not think it is in starvation mode. Just be careful not to overdo it on the weekends or you will have to diet even harder on the weekdays.
- Macros are less important than most people think, if you nail everything I already said then as long as you get a decent amount of protein, enough carbs to fuel the machine and keep your fats fairly low so your calories stay down then you should be on track to a successful cut while even putting on some muscle along the way.

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