BC Championships - 4 Weeks Out - Realistic Long Term Goals As We Age

Closing in on 4 weeks out now and still feeling pretty good overall, which does help out a lot for my workouts and keeping them productive. The workouts tend to get tougher as the cut gets closer to show time. I have been splitting my workouts more often and getting the harder compound movements done earlier in the day when I seem to be more up to it and then leaving more of the accessory isolation stuff for the evenings, usually each workout is about 40-45 minutes long so about 1.5 hours per day 6 days a week :)
In this BC Championships - 4 Weeks Out Video I talk about something that I feel is really important. Which is to have Realistic Long Term Goals as we age and transition into our old age.
So many of us only look at the pursuit of fitness for what it can do for us right now, give us a better body, those six pack abs, helps us feel more attractive. But the real reason we should all be pursuing Health and Fitness is for the long term benefit we gain from it, like being bale to horse around with our kids in our 40's and 50's, or even our grandchildren in our 60's and up. How do you want to be when you are in your 70's, do you want to be able to take care of yourself and have enough strength and energy to cope with life? That can be determined by what you are doing about it right now and if you are taking care of yourself for the benefits it will bring to you in later years.
A good plan is one that is kind of conservative, that is not too extreme but at the same time puts you on track to staying healthy and fit long term while still enjoying all aspects of life. I talk about this in more detail in my YouTube video... If you watch till the end there is some workout footage of me doing some Inverted Leg Press and Cable Ab Crunches.

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