BC Championships - 6 Weeks Out - Shoulders, Back & Calves Workout

We are now at the 6 weeks out stage in my contest pre for the BC Championships Pro Am being held in Vancouver BC Canada. I will be competing in both Men's Masters (40+) and Open Physique divisions.
I am still right around 190-192 pounds but feel like I am right on track and compared to this time last year I feel I am stronger and lower in body fat when compared to where I was 6 weeks out for my last Victoria Cup Competition. So hopefully this means I will come in a little better shape :)
I am still struggling with some elbow/bicep tendon soreness especially in my right arm so this week I have been taking it easy on my upper body pulling exercises and trying not to engage my bicep too much/ It is starting to feel a little better so hopefully I can get past this shortly.
In this video I do a Shoulder, Back and Calf workout over at Fit4Less, I was planning on doing some Abs but kind of ran out of time. You can see my full workout details over on my Fitty.co account.

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