YouTube Channel Cross Promo - Replica Airguns - GetFitOver40 - mrKnife

I have been running the Website and YouTube Channel for several years now and over the past year have really started to invest a lot more of my time into GetFitOver40, and it's paying off! Get FitOver40 now has over one hundred videos, close to one million videos view and over four thousand subscribers so it's doing pretty well you could say.
You may not know about my other even more popular Website and YouTube Channel,, with now over four hundred videos, over twenty five million video views and more than fifty thousand subscribers... Yah, that's a lot! So if you like super realistic Airguns, BB guns, Airsoft guns, Blank guns and related accessories than you may wand to check out.
My latest endeavor is a collaboration with the folks over at, I like knives and they have an abundant supply of knifes for me to review so it seems like a good fit. Mr Knife is a Canada based online store supplying a variety of knife brands including, Cold Steel, SOG, Kershaw Canada and Ontario Knife Company. Here is the mrKnife new YouTube channel location.
So if any of these other YouTube Channels and Websites interest you then please show me your support and check them out and subscribe :)
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