MIO Alpha Strapless Continuous Heart Rate Watch Unboxing

I got another tech based fitness device I will be sharing with everyone. This one is a stand alone Continuous Heart Rate Watch that does not require a chest strap to be used and it is made by MIO, the name of this product is the MIO Alpha. This video is the unboxing video where I show you around the MIO Alpha and give you my initial thoughts on the presentation and packaging.
To give you a basic understanding of what the MIO Alpha is used for, it can be compared to a heart rate chest strap as there are many similarities. Both devices read your heart rate very accurately and continuously, both a chest strap and the MIO Alpha use Bluetooth wireless technologies to send your heart rate info to another device like a smart phone where that information is stored and can be recalled and examined. Neither device stores your heart rate info or can be used on their own.
The advantage to the MIO Alpha is that it is worn on your wrist like a watch so you don't have to wear a chest strap. The MIO Alpha also has a screen that shows you your heart rate in real time along with a timer and of course a clock.

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