Supplements - Counting Calories - Get Out There - Get Fit Over 40 Video Requests

My second video request YouTube Video and this one is from Jeff, parts unknown???
Jeff really didn't ask me to share my opinion too much but rather shared his in an email he sent me and thought the topics would make for a good video and being that for teh most part, I agree with Jeff's points I thought I would simply read back his email and interject a few of my own thoughts.
Here is Jeff's original Video Request email he sent me:
I tried to find a video on your site about the pros and cons of supplements, be it Protein Powders, creatine, etc... Personally, I have used them all at some point or another, I have both Casein and Whey protein powder at home. I also take glucosamine / msm, and really believe it helps my joints when I take it regularly over a long time. I think there is a psychological benefit to supplements for me, if I am spending money to aid in my goals, I am more likely to continue training because of this (especially when I don't want to).I also give myself a budget to spend on myself getting healthy, be it supplements, gadgets, workout clothing, weights.
I also find (like you said in one of your videos) that if I log my food intake daily, that I am more likely to achieve my goals, I currently use and for this. What I like about these, is if I find at the end of the day that I have consumed more than I should to meet my weight loss goal, I will get up and take a walk/jog to burn the extra calories.
One last thing I do that really seems to help is just getting outside and go hiking/walking/running. Every time I get out and do something, I see people who inspire me, whether it's the person who is much heavier than me struggling to get up a hill, or the people in much better shape, blowing by me as I struggle. In general, most people out there are friendly, everyone says hello with a smile, it's very encouraging.
I've watched a lot of your videos and really do enjoy them, I'm not sure I'll ever get to where you are, but there for sure is room for improvement in me.
If you would like to request a video, please send me an email using this link.
Reader Comments (1)
I strictly recommend not to wait until you earn enough cash to buy goods! You can get the loan or collateral loan and feel yourself fine