Daily Workout - Chest in Home Gym with Total Gym

My Last YouTube Video "The Most Important Workout Technique You'll Ever Learn" took a long time to do! I didn't really think it would take so long but there ended up being a lot of stages: Scripting, and audio recording, and editing the audio, and then adding all the images... I spent several weeks working on it in my spare time. I hope people take the time to watch it because it really has helped me to stay fit and on track to fitness in my 40's.
That said I plan to focus now on videos that showcase exercises using the Total Gym. So stay tuned and see why I like this little inexpensive workout machine so much.
- Warmup: Eliptical for 10 minutes.
- Bench Press with Total Gym.
- Flies with Total Gym.
- Arm Raise Flies with Total Gym.
- 3 Stage Pushups: Planche, Extended, and Regular.
- Abs: Crunches x 100.
- Misc. Stretching.
Total workout time: About 1hour.
Daily Workout,
Home Gym,
Total Gym in

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