Posts by Month


First time going to a Crossfit Gym - Crossfit Langley

Today I went to a Crossfit Gym, since it was a Friday we all kind of took it pretty easy and it was a short 40 minute workout, I guess many of the regulars workout 5 days a week or more here and so Friday is the end of the week kind of easy day. We did a variety of floor strength excersises that included pushup and situp variations along with some low to the ground lunge type moves. We also did mixed in 5x400 meeter runs, all in all I probably burned about 400 - 500 calories and got a good sweat going.

Their website is but they are working on a new website as they are getting away from the martial arts side of things and have now gone to all Crossfit. I bought a month all-you-can-eat membership to give this new rather close to me location a go and see what I can get out of some Crossfit training...


Arm Workout Using Dumbbells

Continuing along with my Upper Body Dumbbell Work Series, today I bring you my Dumbbell Arm workout video. Most of the exercises I show you I do in the seated position just to keep myself centered and on camera but you can also do them standing if you don't have a workout chair or even a regular chair that works for you.

A couple paris of Dumbbells are a great investment in your health and will last a lifetime, you can also start with a set that can be used for a variety of exercises and as you get stronger and get more divers in your workout routines, you can add to your dumbbell set over time.

Watch my Arm Workout Using Dumbbells YouTube Video:


Shoulder Workout Using Dumbbells

I've done a "Total Gym Shoulder Workout Video" and also a "Upper Body Dumbbell Workout Video" but I wanted to do a series of "Upper Body Workouts" that focus on one specific muscle group using dumbbells only. To kick things off in this video I show you my basic free weight shoulder routine. Normally I sometimes add the use of my pulleys and or smith machine straight bar but using dumbbells works great for getting a really awesome free weigh shoulder exercise!

I know I have not touched upon my "Lose a few Pounds Program" for a while and it's not because I am trying to avoid it, it's actually going pretty good, I now weight between 173 and 174 so I've lost a couple more pounds but I feel like I have gained some muscle so we're all good, There is just this tiny bit of persistent fat right around my waistline that would be nice to see vanish so I will keep keeping on, I feel good and my eating and workout program are pretty routine so a few more week swill not be hard to do. At the and of it al I will do a final video but that will not be the end as I really want to keep the weight off for good and stay all leaned up so I will continue to monitor my intake and calories burned to stay on track.

Watch my Shoulder Workout Using Dumbbells YouTube Video:


Get Fit Over 40 - Cheap Rubber Resistance Band Workout


Not everyone has the extra money to go out and buy even a low cost exercise system but that is still no a good enough reason or excuse not to workout or get in shape. Firstly, you can always start buy changing up your diet since 90% of losing weight and getting health starts with what you put into your mouth. If you have not watched my The Most Important Workout Technique You'll Ever Learn video Part 1 & Part 2, make sure to do so!

Some other things you can do are simply go for a fast paced walk or light jog, maybe grab a skipping rope and skip for 15 to 30 minutes, I guarantee you will breakout in a sweat for sure!

In this video I also show you another super cheap way to add some resistance training to your fitness program using Rubber Resistance Bands that anyone can afford. I played around with a super cheap set I had lying around today and they actual gave me a bit of a pump ;)

In this YouTube video I show you some basic upper body exercise I pretty much made up on the spot, I am sure there is a lot more you can do even for legs too with these handy little rubber fitness bands that are ultra portable and super low cost.


Get Fit Over 40 - Great Workout in Your Yard

Over the last couple of days I actually got to go outside and do some work in my yard, for me it's a bit of a break from my mundane indoor office work I do mostly from home. The only problem is when it's time to do yard work around my house, it usually means I will be doing it all day long and not the easy kind. I'm talking the stuff nobody else in house wants to do ;)

Most of the work I did was spring clean up and trimming, some lawn mowing, lots of weed eating and some clean up of pine needles and other winter left overs. I did so much over the last two days that my Carpel Tunnel flared up to the point that I could barely sleep due to the numbness in my hands, sucks getting older sometimes!

The good news is that I was able to track my caloric expenditure using my Jawbone Wristband and during a 6 hour yard-work episode I was abel to burn off 2000 calories, (no cardio required for me that day).

So doing yard work has many benefits not just in the improvement and instant gratification of beautifying your yard but also in the burning off of those unwanted pounds!

Watch my YouTube video of me walking around my yard and showing you some of the work I got done while getting in a great workout.