I say this not so much in fitness terms but more in how I feel about working out or really just doing anything. The weather here in the Vancouver Canada area is turning very wintery all of a sudden and that combined with me being in Maui not even a week ago is a bit of a drastic change for me... I think many people find a lack of drive or motivation in the Winter months and I am no exception!
To make my point, the following two photos I shot consecutively on my iPhone about a week apart from each other:

I'm not making excuses, I did do a workout today and I felt pretty good doing it. I got in some Elliptical as my warmup and I did some Back on the trusty Total Gym along with some lower body stretching. About an hour or so in all.
I snapped a quick photo of the Post Maui Abs thinking that they may not make it onto the blog but they turned out OK. Maybe all the Maui drinking and eating didn't take as much of a toll on me as I thought!