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2 Days Out - Bring on the Carbs - Vancouver Open

Over the next couple of days before the Vancouver Open I will try my best to vlog as much of each day as I can, or at least the more interesting stuff. At 2 days out I get to start carbing up, and so for me that is super exciting since I have been eating almost nothing but protein and veggies with very little carbs now for several months...

Today's video really focuses on me eating a bunch of carbs but I also have some walk and talk and a bit of posing which I think is really looking good now. I mean I still need to keep working on the posing but I am lean enough now that I am able to make what I have (Down sized a bit for this show) look pretty good.

I didn't talk a lot about how I am feeling in this video, that will be more for tomorrow in my 1 Day Out Video but I can say I feel really good, hunger has been very manageable and energy has stayed high even during peak week. It is amazing what a healthy heart can do for a fellow :)

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