2 Days Out - Bring on the Carbs - Vancouver Open
Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 11:05PM
Michael Kaye in Classic Physique, Conditioning, Fitness Contest, Mens Physique, Nutrition, Road to the Vancouver Open and Pro Qualifier, Update, Vancouver Open, Vlog, YouTube Video

Over the next couple of days before the Vancouver Open I will try my best to vlog as much of each day as I can, or at least the more interesting stuff. At 2 days out I get to start carbing up, and so for me that is super exciting since I have been eating almost nothing but protein and veggies with very little carbs now for several months...

Today's video really focuses on me eating a bunch of carbs but I also have some walk and talk and a bit of posing which I think is really looking good now. I mean I still need to keep working on the posing but I am lean enough now that I am able to make what I have (Down sized a bit for this show) look pretty good.

I didn't talk a lot about how I am feeling in this video, that will be more for tomorrow in my 1 Day Out Video but I can say I feel really good, hunger has been very manageable and energy has stayed high even during peak week. It is amazing what a healthy heart can do for a fellow :)

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (http://www.getfitover40.com/).
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