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Can You Really Trust Your Fitness Tech Devices?

I for one love a tech device that can help provide me with valuable information relating to my health and fitness. Info like how many calories I am burning, how many steps am I taking, how many active minutes am I achieving daily, how many miles am I walking and of course then there is the food tech devices and apps that help us track our food and macros so we can figure out exactly what we need to consume to balance our health and fitness activity goals.

The question is, should we really be trusting these fitness tech devices to be accurate and are they perhaps giving us too much or too little confidence in dialing in exactly what we need to do to balance everything health and fitness related.

In this walk and talk video I explain some of the shortcomings certain fitness tech devices have that can skew a reading and make you believe you are on or off track when in fact the info may not be accurate due to limitations of the fitness tech devices.

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