Road to the Canadian Nationals - 15 Days Out - Update and Posing

We are almost at the two week marker and the end of my mini-bulk has arrived. I will be starting my hard cutting in the next day or two and have my work cut out for me but that was the plan all along as I really wanted to be able to train hard for at least three weeks to put on some more size for the CBBF Canadian Nationals on August 13th in New Westminster at the Massey Theatre.
I am sitting around 6 to 6.5% body fat right now and need to get down to 5% or even lower so I need to lose a good 2-3 pounds of fat which for me should be pretty easy with the low calorie high protein, low carb and low fat diet I will be on for the next couple of weeks. Keep in mind, my metabolism is pretty healthy since I have been on cruise control and for the most part getting decent amounts of food during my mini-bulk. With this in mind I should respond really quickly to the diet and cut.
As of the day this video was made (Friday July 29th) I am about 193 pounds and I feel I am not holding much water so after my cut and re-carb I should be right around 190 pounds on stage day which is where I was hoping to be as this is a few pounds heavier than I was at the Vancouver Pro Am BC Championships.

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