Road to the Canadian Nationals - 19 Days Out

We are almost midway point between the BC Championships I just completed in and the Canadian Nationals where I will be competing in both Men's Physique Masters and Open Classes. There was no way I was going to stick stay at sub 5% body fat for another 5 weeks so my plan was to do a mini bulk and then a soft cut for the Nationals. If everything works out the way I want it to I should be able to add a couple more pounds of muscle to my frame for the Canadian Nationals and still come in super conditioned.
I feel I am on track and at least when I look in the mirror at this midway point I feel like I have already added some muscle yet stayed pretty lean. I still have 19 days more to chip away and this week I have started my cut but even so I will progressively overload my workouts and hope to keep adding muscle at least for the next couple of weeks.
You be the judge for yourself and see what you think as I have included a short posing video at the end...

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