How Muscles Work - Back to the Basics

I am pretty sure that everybody knows that your muscles are used for powering your body, they supply the force that moves you arms and legs and other body parts. Usually bigger muscles mean more strength and smaller muscle mean less strength. But how exactly do your muscles work, what are the mechanics that allow your muscles to move your body parts so effectively?
In this YouTube Back to the Basics Video I go over the names of the basic Muscle Groups, I talk about how a muscle applies force (Contracts or Pulls) on your body to make things like limbs and joints move and I go over the positions muscles can be in (Contracted - Extended or Stretched - Neutral or Rested).
I also go over the importance of having a balanced workout program so that your muscles are built evenly and do not create an imbalance that could negatively effect your posture and/or flexibility.
Please enjoy this Back to the Basic video about How Muscles Work:
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