Back to the Basics - Importance of the 80% Diet and 20% Fitness Rule

In this Back to the Basics YouTube Video I talk about the importance of diet over fitness, obviously both are important to your overall health but you simply can not exercise enough to overcome bad eating habits! I would go so far as to say if you could only do one and not the other than start with your diet first and get that under control because you will get the quickest and best results from eating healthy.
It's kind of like having a high performance race car and putting the worst gas you can find in it, that car will run like crap. Take an average car and put top end gas in it and it will run like a champ all day long.
People need to stop making excuses about why they can not eat healthy or find time for exercise, I think most people could easily give up one PVR'd TV show a day and do a quick workout for their improved health. When it comes to the garbage food we all think is so tasty, get off it for a few weeks and you will find that lard and sugar filled snack you used to think was so yummy won't taste as good as you remember. Your body knows what is good for it, you just need to help it remember by jogging it's memory.
You have two choices, keep doing what you're doing which is thinking about what you should be doing, or you can stopping thinking about it and do something about it! You don't have to start big, start small and take baby steps, each day take bigger and bigger steps till soon you are running and never looking back!
Checkout these two videos that will help you with some of the first steps it takes to change and improve your life!
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