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Get Fit Over 40 October 2013 Update Video

I haven't done an Update Video in a while, so I kind of wanted to cover a few things going on these days:

First off, I have spoken often about the CrossFit Gym I go to here in Langley, it's just five minutes away from my home so there is really no excuse for me not to attend my classes, I try to make at least 4-5 classes per week and now that summer is over this is pretty easy to do. This means I do less workouts at home so you will see less home workout videos from me but on the plus side, I have been given permission to shoot video any time I want at CrossFit Langley which will mix things up a bit!

Here is their info in case you live in the Langley BC area and want to check them out:

Next I talk  about some of my persistent injuries and how they are doing and how I am dealing with them. In a nutshell they are getting better perhaps because I am learning what not to do with them and what I can do that does not seem to make things worse.

I want to address what I feel is a rather important subject and that is one of moderation, this applies to life in general and fitness is no exception so keep this in mind. I found a really interesting video that talks about moderation especially when it come to cardiovascular activity, moderation is not just so you don't overdo it but it can also help you live longer. People that train extensively for high intensity endurance actually can do long term damage to their hearts and shorten their life span. Checkout this YouTube Video by Doctor James O'Keefe Jr. called: Run for your life! At a comfortable pace, and not too far.

Lastly I want to do a shout out which is something I don't do very often, but I am really impressed with a fellow over 40'er named Chad Jackson who has achieved amazing fitness results not just for his age but he is even competing with people half his age and recently got third place in the NPC Texas State Championship Physique Class 3. And Chad was able to achieve his amazing fitness results all while working a full time job and the commitments of his family life that consists of his wife, 5 children and 2 dogs - bravo! I thought 2 kids was a handful!

Here is Chads FacebookTwitter anad  YouTube links if you want to check him out.

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