Daily Workout - Arms again at Fitness World

My bank is right beside my Fitness World Gym so it makes for an opertune time to drop by when banking needs to be done.
It brakes up the "in Home" workouts somewhat! As usual I like to start things off with a nice 10 minute warmup, my standard is the tried and true Elliptical but here at Fitness World they have a plethora of cardio gear... Still I like my trusted warmup routine, for me the warmup is just that, a warmup, the faster I get this done the quicker I can get to my main goal - the Strength Workout! I like mixing things up but more so on the weight training side of things. For cardio I'll do the occasional jog but I have to limit jogs or I find I get some joint pain in my legs.
- 10 Minutes Elliptical.
- Biceps: Dumbbell Curls.
- Biceps: Machine Curls.
- Triceps: Macine Extensions.
- Triceps: Pull Downs with Triangle Bar.
- Abs: Side Leg Raises.
Total workout time: About 1 hour.

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