Muscle Insider Model Search 2017

I had a great time at this years Vancouver Pro Am checking out the Expo and competing in the Muscle Insider Model Search. As it turned out Muscle Insider was looking for a younger more good looking sort of GQ look which I don't blame them for. All top three guys where on the younger side but that's OK, if I had a magazine and wanted to feature someone I would probably go for the best looking person I could, and lord knows that isn't me ;) The fellow that won (Zac) looked awesome, he really did have it all and came well conditioned, had great posing and a really awesome smile which is one thing I forgot to do :( So congrats to Zac for his well deserved win!
Overall it was a great experience being at the Vancouver Pro Am and competing in the Muscle Insider Model Search, as expected I met a lot of really cool people and got to get on stage and get some practice time in and work out a few bugs.
Enjoy the video and photos!