Daily Workout - Arms - Total Gym

I don't think I've mentioned it yet but about 4 months ago I injured my left middle finger while doing an MMA workout, and the funny part is it was during a rugby like warmup. The injury I sustained was a "Mallet Finger". Basically I bent the tip too far in the right direction, severing the tendon. It sounds painful put it actually wasn't.
The problem is it takes longer for this injury to heal then if I had broken my finger and the outcome can be iffy at best... Or in other words, my finger could stay bent to some degree forever!! Lucky for me it turned out pretty straight. I can't bend it all the way yet but it gets better all the time. And the point off all this is that I wanted to mention today was the first day I did an entire workout without using my finger splint!
Well today was Arms day and my workout machine of choice was the Total Gym:
- 10 Minutes Elliptical.
- Biceps: Lying Down Curls with Total Gym. (3 Sets with an increase in the incline each time)
- Biceps: Seated Curls with Total Gym. (2 Sets with an increase in the incline each time)
- Biceps: Arm Curls with Light Dumbbells.
- Triceps: Seated Overhead Extension with the Total Gym.
- Triceps: Lying Down Extension with the Total Gym.
- Triceps: Rear Extension with the Total Gym.
- Abs: Seated forward Side Twists with the Total Gym.