What Was I Thinking - Think Twice Who You Talk To

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and as is typical with the New Year, we seem to want to have some sort of resolution to go along with the beginning of a new part of our life. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do this, but there is often a lot of pressure we put on ourselves by doing this. Especially if we ultimately end up failing in it...
This year my New Year Resolution is not even health and fitness related for myself. To be honest I am happy with my overall health and fitness goals and how I achieve them year to year. My health and fitness at this point in time for me is kind of on auto pilot. Can I do better? Sure. The bigger question is do I need or want to do better in this area? I am good right now...
For me there are other non health and fitness goals I probably need to work on more, at least at this point in time and for me I have decided to look at how I spend my time and energy when having conversations with people. The reality when we talk with another person, is we are giving a piece of ourselves to them. We are offering information and experiences we have collected over our life time, usually freely and hopefully without strings, with perhaps the only expatiation to be heard and understood. Unfortunately I often find myself inverting my ideas and opinions with people that at the end of the day do not appreciate it or even want it.
My goal for this year is to really think about who I am going to invest my time and energy in when it comes to having conversations and sharing information and ideas. That is going to be a challenge for me as I can be a bit of an open book, so I need to keep my book closed more often and let people come to me if they want me to open it or not.
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