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5 Days Out Update Video - Road to Vancouver Open

We are in the home run now with only 5 days before I show my final result at the Vancouver Open Fitness Contest. In this video I go over how I am feeling physically and mentally, if I think I am ready or not for the show, what my plans are day to day and also how my resent carb load went and if it was enough carbs or maybe I need more?

I can say I am for the most part happy with this contest prep, I have stuck to the plan 100% and so far the results are exactly as I envisioned them to be. Health is on my side this time and it makes all the difference as my body is not fighting me anymore. I will try and get some more videos out this week but we will see how it all goes, for sure I will make some shorts so make sure to keep checking back on my channels for those videos to stay up to speed with how everything is going day to day.

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