TRT - 3 Month Bloodwork Results on 100mg of Testosterone

It's been just over three months since I started taking prescription doctor prescribed 100mg of Testosterone per week and so it was time to get my bloodwork done to see just where I am at.
In terms of how I am feeling I would say most of the major problems I was having from low Testosterone have been worked out being on the Testosterone for three months. Energy and mood are much better, the aches and pains are also improved, but I still have a little bit of shoulder pain that is totally manageable now. Sex drive is back and I feel more eagerness to go to the gym and I am seeing some muscle and size improvements but not drastic. I have maybe gained around 7 pounds total as I was about 185 when I started TRT and I am now sitting at generally 192 pounds most days.
When I started my TRT I had a Testosterone level of 1 nmol/L which is about what a female might have. I should be between 8 and 29 to be within normal healthy ranges, preferably in the 20's. Getting my bloodwork is not only to see what my Testosterone is now at but also to see what else the TRT may be influencing like RBC, PSA, Liver function...
My bloodwork results did show that my Red Blood Cell and Hemoglobin where just a tad high but only by just a little My PAS was the most concerning as when I started the TRT it was on the high normal side and now it has gone up about 30% so I am in a range that needs to be monitored as it should maybe have only gone up 10-20% from the TRT.
Surprisingly my Testosterone was now at 31 nmol/L so just a little bit higher than high normal ranges. With all things considered we decided to take my TRT down to 80mg per week which is not a big difference tat the end of the day and I should not feel any difference but will hopefully get my RBC and PSA down to normal ranges.

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