Vancouver Island Showdown - 5 Days Out

Peak Week is here and we are in the final stretch with only 5 days out to the Vancouver Island Showdown! This is what all the hard work has been for and now I just need to tuff out the last few days of lots of training and not so much eating. It's do or die and I don't want any regrets or to leave anything on the table. I have stayed exactly to my program and in the end I should be exactly where I need to be in 5 days.
At this point in time my mind will start playing games with me, did I do enough, am I ready, am I lean enough, big enough... Some days are better than others but at this point there is not much more I can do so I hope the magic of peak week will prevail and it will all come together.
Over the next few days right up until Thursday evening it will be low calorie, low fat and low carb eating under 2000 calories per day and trying to burn as much as 4000 calories total via workouts, walks and posing, this should result in about another 3 pounds of body fat stripped from my body, those last little bits that make all the difference on stage and could mean 1st place or 3 place.
Starting Thursday evening it's time to start carbing back up by dropping protein and eating almost entirely carbs, this will fill me in for show day adding about 5-7 pounds of glycogen and water directly in the muscle. I am still in the mid to high 190's so I expect to walk on stage right around 200 pounds, this will be the heaviest I have been so far on stage and I hope to do it in as good if not better condition than past shows. At least that is the goal!
Even though this week is mentally and physically very hard, I also find it super exciting and look forward to each day to see the changes that take place in my body over peak week, I can hardly wait to see what Saturday will bring!
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