Why Wearing a Mask Can Put You At More Risk for Covid-19

We are all being told we need to wear masks virtually any time we are out in public by our health and government officials and in many places it is mandatory to wear a mask in order to be allowed to get into many palaces of business. Some people even find the need to wear their masks alone in their cars or walking outside in wide open spaces.
And if you are not on on the mask wearing band wagon then it is imposed upon you that you obviously don't care about anyone else but yourself even if you have your own very good reasons why you feel mask wearing is not all it is cracked up to be.
The problem is all that seems to be important is that we submit to wearing a mask because this is told to us what we need to do to stop Covid-19 but we are not being told how to wear a mask properly. I say this because wearing a mask the wrong way can actually put you at more risk for contracting Covid-19, since if you contaminate the mask (which is very easy to do), then you are putting Covid-19 in the worst possible place you want it to be. Right on the mask that just happens to be on your mouth and nose, the easiest place to contract Covid-19.
Why are we not being told the importance of proper mask handling and how you use your mask can be more important than even using a mask. Can you imagine if you went into a hospital for an operation and right before your surgeon was about to operate on you, he pulled his 1 week old mask out of his pocket with his unsterilized and ungloved hands and put it on his face? People would lose their minds over this but apparently it's not a big deal when trying to prevent Covid-19. Contamination doesn't seem to affect Covid-19.
Watch my YouTube Video where I talk about these contradictory messages we are being told and go over how you are actually supposed to use a mask.
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