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Peak Week Begins - WC Iron Vancity Showdown

Peak Week has officially begun and I am 6 days out from the Westcoast Iron Vancity Showdown. This is when it gets real and there is zero room for anything not in the program. I will be eating around 2000 calories per day consisting of approximately 250 grams of protein, 50 grams of carbs and around 80 grams of fats each day. This will be offset by anywhere from 1500 to 2000 calories of exercise consisting of lots of walking, posing practice and of course daily 1.5 hour workouts.

The goal is to peel off the last little bit of fat I have left on me to get right around 5% body fat, currently I am just over 6%. Today I was 196 pounds, by the Friday I will probably be closer to 190 pounds as I will be carb depleted and hopefully down 3-4 additional pounds of fat. At least that is the goal!

At my Classic Physique weigh in for my height of 6 feet I can weigh 212 pounds but I will be nowhere near that weight, more than likely I will be closer to 190-193 pounds so a good 20 pounds under what I am allowed to be at for Classic Physique. This does put me at a size disadvantage over the guys that come in closer to their top weight cap but conditioning can play a big part in making me look bigger than I am and also catching the judges eyes. Hopefully the judges are looking for conditioning over size?

This week will fly by quickly as it always does, I hope to try and post more content this week for everyone so stay posted...

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