Get Fit Over 40 Update Video - Train Everything Everyday

In this video I talk mainly about a new workout program I will be using based on 5 workout days per week. Most people train one to two body parts per workout and rarely train a body part more than twice per week. With the workout program I will be using, I will be training pretty much every body part every workout for a total of 5 days per week. That may seem excessive to some people but the reality is your body can get use to daily training of every muscle group and don't forget that each workout does not hit each body part as hard as you would if you dedicated an entire workout to that body part, so recovery and repair time is much shorter between workout sessions.
For me, body part workout frequency works and I have seen very posative results from training each body part three times per week so why not ramp it up a bit and hit every muscle group 5 times per week. Some of the best squaters in the world squat every day so there is some evidence that this works. I have been traingin Abs every workout for years now and one of my best features are my abs so there is already some proof that this works.
I also talk a bit about the new iPhone 7 plus which I have on order as I feel the new camera features will imporve the video quality of my Video Logs. to make my video even better, I have another cool gadget on order, the DJI OSMO Mobile three way smart phone gimble. This compact steady cam is made to work with my iPhone and keep the image super stable even when there is a lot of movement going on. The DJI OSMO Mobile even has built in motors and a tracking option so I can put it on auto pilot and have it track me while I shoot a video, no extra camera man required!
Lastely I mention that I'm getting a new roof for our house and I was impressed to see the Indo Canadian roofers we hired had incorperated pretty much their entire family to do the job including two elderly gentlemen well into their sixties. And they where not taking it easy, these elderly men where right on top of the roof pulling off shingles with a shovle sitting knee's to ears while they did it, just watching them work away made me sore! It goes to show that staying active in your elder years keeps you young, if you don't use it you lose it!

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