Road to the Canadian Nationals - 7 Days Out - Update & Posing

We are so on the home stretch now with only 7 more days to go till I get my shot at the CBBF Canadian Nationals in New Westminster BC on August 13th! I will be competing in Men's Masters and Open Physique representing "Team BC" after placing 1st at the BC Championships in Masters and 2nd in Open.
This past week has been a tuff one with very low food and carb intake. My workouts have been long and drawn out but I have been getting them done and putting in the work to get the volume in. My weight has not dropped too much which is good but I feel the fat melting away :)
Next week will be prep-week and so I will only workout Monday to Wednesday mainly getting a good pump but being careful to not overdo it since my body will be in a more delicate state from being very low in body fat and depleted. On Wednesday evening I will start my carb up with Thursday and Friday being full on high carb days where I will intake close to 600 grams of carbs per day with much less protein than I am used to since I will not need protein as much with the lack of training. I will be getting at least 3500 calories per day from the high carb loading which will also help protect my muscle.
Of course there is the other body prep like hair trimming, exfoliating and my spray on tan that I will need to apply before Saturday's show.

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