2 Week Reverse Transformation Video 5% to 8% Body Fat

When most people make a transformation video their after photo is usually better than their before video, showing improved fat lose and muscle gains... Well this video shows it from the other direction, going from super fit to fat, OK, not exactly fat but at least fatter :)
Two weeks ago I competed in the CBBF Canadian Nationals in Men's Masters Physique and placed fist in my tall division. I would have to say I was in the best shape of my life for that show coming in at 6 feet tall, 190 pounds and I would even go so far as to say under 5% body fat. The heaviest and most muscular I have ever been at that low body fat percentage. My lean body mass was around 181 pounds.
Skip ahead 2 weeks after no holds bar eating and some drinking and I am already up to 200 pounds, yes I am carrying a bit more water weight but not 10 pounds of it, I would say a good 3-4 pounds may be added water from not so clean eating but the rest is fat so at least 6-7 pounds of fat gain in 2 week time, this puts me in the 8% body fat range so 3% more then 2 weeks ago. I may have lost a little bit of muscle but not that much and I will get it back quickly as soon as I start training again which happens next week. I am really looking forward to getting on a training and eating program again since I kind of enjoy the discipline as eating what ever I want makes me feel not so good most of the time.
In this video I also show off some of my new Athletes Collective attire. I have already done a review of some of their earlier shirts and tank tops but now Athletes Collective has added some new V-necks and shorts to their collection. I will have a full in-depth review video shortly on the new Athletes Collective products.

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