Getting Real Series - SMP Scalp Micropigmentation Sessions 1 & 2

If you have not already read my first Article on SMP or Scalp Micro Pigmentation then make sure to do so.
This week I had my first two sessions of Scalp Micro Pigmentation performed by Kyle the owner of Studio Sashiko. My appointments where for Monday and Tuesday where each day I had a 3-4 hours SMP session. Day one was to address the crown or back area of my head and day two was for the frontal hairline area. I will be going back in about a month to do some fill in and add a bit more density in some areas. It's better to do this type of process using multiple stages rather than going to dense or dark by mistake as it is easier to add more density then take it away.
SMP or Scalp Micro Pigmentation is like getting a tattoo but the needles are not as large so it is actually a little less painful overall and I did use some numbing cream before each process. I would say the pain level while the needling is happing is fairly mild and if anything I felt more irritation after the process than during since my skin got fairly red to the point where I could even feel some throbbing from my pulse especially when I had the crown or back area done. I did not notice this throbbing as much when I had the second procedure done for my frontal areas.
In this video I take short video clips throughout the week so you can follow along how this entire process went and what if this is something you may be interested in it should give you a good idea on what to expect the first couple of sessions.
Overall I am really happy with these initial results, the density is a bit better than I expected it to be but it may soften a bit over the following month. There are some patchy spots that need a some more filling in and my frontal hairline needs to be a little less perfect with some softening right on the frontal hairline edge. All of this is super easy to do and I may even be able to get it all done during my third session which will be in about a months time.
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