Train Everything Everyday Progress Update with Workout

I have been training every body part 5 days per week now for almost a month, well actually 3.5 weeks and I figured it was a good time to talk about how it is going so far. I plan to train this way for a good 2 months before I come to any solid conclusions but since I am near the midway point I can at least comment on how everything is going so far.
One of my big concern was overload on my body? Mainly in my joints an ligaments. I am not so worried about muscle soreness since I kind of like being a little soar anyway :) So far my joints are about the same as when I do traditional splits, most likely because at the end of the day I am breaking up about the same workload but with my train every day approach the workload is just spread out more evenly.
I do notice that after my 5th day of training I am pretty much beat and really need my 2 days off to recover. My workouts have been a little bit longer now that I am training every body part each day workouts but when I was doing split workouts I was also training 6 days per week so the workouts would be a little shorter.
In terms of strength and muscle gain which is one of the main goals in trying this approach out, it is a bit soon to really tell but I am making small incremental improvements but this may be simply a result of me getting to the new style of workload and order in which I am doing my exercises.
I will follow up again once I have 2 month under my belt and let you all know how this method of training works or doesn't work...

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