2016 Fitness Resolution Do’s and Don’ts

1. It Never Ends.
Before you even start, If you think getting in shape is something you are going to do for a couple of Months to get back in shape, then you may as well not even start because I can guarantee once you stop your fitness program, you will go right back to the way you where and maybe even worse!
2. Have a Plan and Be Realistic.
You can not simply just say… “ I am going to eat better, get into shape and lose weight” Or what ever it is you plan on doing for your New Years Fitness Resolutions. You have to make a plan, and the more detailed your plan is, the more likely you are going to see it through and succeed in your goals. Write it down on paper and read that paper every day.
Make sure your plan is a realistic one, I suggest you plan in stages starting out with simpler smaller steps and then progressing along the way with more challenging steps.
3. Set Realistic Goals.
In your plan, have some milestones or goals, I want to lose X amount of weight. I want to have an X size waist or fit into X size clothing. I want to put on x pounds of muscle or achieve X amount of body fat. I want to be able to play with my kids or I want to see my Abs again!
Depending on what type of person you are you may want to set time lines for these goals, but this can also be discouraging for some people who may feel defeated if they do not succeed on schedule. What is most important is that you get to your goal, not how long it takes.
4. Make Rewards for Yourself.
Set in place small and larger rewards for achieving certain milestones. Stick to your diet all week and you get a nice cheat meal or even a cheat day on the weekend. Once you lose a certain amount of weight you get to buy some new clothing. Once you hit your ultimate goal, you may plan a vacation for yourself.
5. Yes You Will Have to Diet.
Do not think that working out alone is going to make you lose weight! Weather you plan on losing weight, gaining weight or even maintaining weight, diet is key. Diet is almost more important than the workout part of it all but both worth much better had in hand.
6. Just Going to The Gym is Not Enough.
So you made a plan to go to the gym and workout, and you even started going to the gym and are working out regularly. That should be good enough right? Nope! You have to also train hard in the gym, being there and simply moving your body around and lifting some weight is not enough. You need to push yourself outside your comfort zone to get real results. Of course you need to start out slow and build on the intensity but intensity is the most important factor in working out, what you actually do is secondary.
7. Keep the Drive Alive!
At some point you may lose focus or interest in your health and fitness plan. Some things that may help you are to watch other people that inspire you on YouTube, listen to upbeat music while you are at the gym, wear clothing in the gym that you feel good in, hang out around other people that share the same health and fitness interests a you do.
8. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others.
You are who you are, you are not anyone else. You have your strengths and weakness that you will not share with anyone else. If your goal is to be exactly like someone else than you will fail because this is impossible. Your goal should be to be the best version of yourself so figure out where you are strong and build confidence in those areas. Also figure where you are week and turn your weakest areas into your strongest areas.
9. New Years is Not the Only Time to Make a Commitment!
Everyone is in a panic to get back into shape after the Hollidays when the reality is this is probably the worst time of the year to do so… Gyms are packed and everyone is in the crazy zone. You may have even started a New Years Health and Fitness resolutions and failed already, that’s OK. Set some new goals and plan using these methods I am showing you now and give it another shot, there is no wrong time to start a health and fitness plan.
10. Be Accountable.
Going it alone means that nobody will notice if you stop or quit. Tell your good friends about your new health and fitness goals, find a workout buddy with a similar plan, if you can afford it, find a suitable trainer to help you get started and make sure you are maximizing your efforts, they will be a positive influence and help you stay the course.
I am offering an Online Personal Training New Years promotion at this time for a limited number of Clients. My 6 week program has been reduced to $129 US. Contact me here if you are interested in taking advantage of this special promotion!
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