1 Days Out - Victoria Cup VLog - Get My Tan On - GetFitOver40

Tomorrow is my big Victoria Cup show day but today was still a lot of fun. We left Langley around 11am today and with the BC Ferry weekend traffic we got bumped to the 2pm ferry. Which to be honest was a bit of a blessing since we where the second to last vehicle to get on the 2pm ferry, and if we had missed it we would have had to wait another hour for the next ferry.
What else did we do... Well we checked into our sweet accommodations at the WorldMark Victoria where we have a 2 bedroom apartment with a full kitchen, huge living room 2 bathrooms and laundry. Our view from the 6th floor is awesome especial as the sun is setting.
After hotel check-in, I put my coat of self spray tan on and then stood up while I dried off and ate some dinner that consisted of chicken breast, veggies, sweet potatoes and rice cakes. We then went to the athletes meeting for check-in and to pick up my bag of goodies supplied by the show sponsors. After we came back home I applied my coat of cream based tan and I have to say I am really happy with the finished results of my do-it-yourself tan :) I guess we'll see tomorrow how I stack up against the other competitors...

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Hello to the word help me think dr okosun for helping me bring back my lost husband back to me again. lovecaster1spelltemple@yahoo.com joy