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475 Pound Dead Lift Personal Best - 45 Years Old at 192 Pounds

I have a goal in mind to hit a 500 pound Deadlift this year, I am probably pretty close if I where to actually go for it and do low rep warm ups, then go for it? I have done 453 pounds for 5 reps before, that I would say is my best Deadlift effort to date. Once over the 450 pound mark, a bit of a mental mind game kicks in for me.

In this video we are doing a 5x5x5x5x5 Deadlift session, not ideal when going for a Personal Best, too much work on the front end of it but I thought I would give 475 pounds a try and see where I was at? The day before I did a pretty intense back workout so going for a Deadlift PR the next day is far from optimal, perhaps I am closer to a 500 pound Deadlift than I think?

Anyways, enjoy the video, I have also thrown in a few video takes of some of my workout partners also lifting 475 pounds, one of which is 52 years old! Goes to show, age is only a number...



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