Take a Workout Break - Your Body Will Thank You!

If you're like me and train religiously day after day and week after week with only a day or two off from your regular routine every once in a while... Then the idea of taking a week off may seem like a step backwards and almost certain gains losses!
The reality is, we need to take a break from workings out, not just our bodies but also our minds need that break too. I recently went on a family vacation to Oceanside California and it had been a really long time since I took any real time off from the gym, and to be honest, mentally I was getting really fatigued not only from my busy workout schedule but also my fairly strict eating plan. So what better time to do a take a break from my workout training program.
Here are some reasons why taking a workout break is good for you:
Weight training puts your body into a state of repair, the repair process is where the muscle adapts and becomes stronger and allows for muscle growth. This repair process take some time and uses up your bodies resources. If you never give yourself that additional time off to fully repair and in a way reset, then your body is always trying to play catch-up with somewhat limited resources. Taking a break from working out and weight training is kind of like a detox if you will but not for your digestive system, but rather for your Muscles, Joints and Connective tissues.
Taking some time off from weight trainig is super benneficial in allowing any of theose small injuries or annoying pains to have that extra time they need to fully relax and heal.
The body is one area where you can benefit from a workout break., the second main area is your mind. Working out day in and day out along with adhering to a strict diet plan can be super wearing on a persons spirit and overall moral. Giving yourself that mental rest from the pressure of performing in the gym and having to only eat certain foods at certain times is a great stress reliever. After a workout break you will be raring to go again with a more positive attitude towards your workouts and a renewed commitment to the nutritional aspects that go along with supporting a healthy and fit body.
How frequently you require a workout break is going to depend on how often and how hard you regularly workout, and how your body handles the recovery from those workouts. Many people feel you should take a workout break every couple of months, I feel 2-3 times per year is good for me. You will have to figure out regularity in which your body requires a workout break but I do recommend you start implementing them in your training program.
Watch my YouTube Video where I also talk about how my latest workout break effected me mentally and physically during my break and after:
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