Deadlift PR of 453 Pounds x 3 Reps - 45 Years Old @ 194 Pounds

I am always a bit reluctant to go for any crazy PR's. My advice to us older folks is to stay healthy, an injury can really set you back so when doing PR's you have to know your bodies limitations.
I had done a single rep PR of 450 before this so I knew I had at least one rep at 453 pounds in me and the set before I did 403 for three reps and it was hard but went up smooth. So I though, why not go for it?
Everything went well, got my three reps and no rips or tears or snaps which is the main thing :) My long term goal is to hit 500 pounds at some point but I will be sticking at the 450 weight until I can rep them out for 5-7 reps first.
You can see how this workout effected my heart rate and how many calories I burned by clicking on this link.

UPDATE: Today a week later I did 5 reps at 453 pounds and this was after some pretty intensive Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday workouts!

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