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Best Fitness Tag Ever - GetFitOver40 Edition

I got tagged the other day and so I am obligated to make a video answering some questions. This is all done in good fun and you may learn a few new things about me...  as is the tradition I am also tagging some people who now have to make a video answering the same questions...

Who Tagged me:

Here are the questions I answer in this YouTube Video:

  1. You are stuck on an Island and can only do two exercises, what are they?
  2. Explain your workout style in only three words.
  3. What is the worst injury you have every gotten?
  4. Rate yourself 1-10.
  5. What is the weirdest thing you do in the gym?
  6. Pick only one, high pitched voice or never lift again.
  7. If you where on death row, what would your last meal be?
  8. What would you give-up lifting for?

Here is a list of the YouTubers I am tagging Back: 

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