Fitness for Kids - Get Fit Over 40 Video Requests

This was kind of a different Get Fit Over 40 Video Request since it was in regards to "Fitness for Kids", and isn't this a fitness for people over 40 resource? Well the truth of the matter is that fitness and health is not as age related as some might think. The fundamentals of fitness an health are really all the same, the only difference is that as we get older, our lifestyles change a bit (time restrictions and reordering of priorities) and there can be physical limitations that will change some aspects of how we do fitness.
With that said I received this email Video Request:
"Hey there Mike,
It's the same kid (suppafx) who commented about the “videos for kids” on your Fitbit giveaway. This is something I would really love to see specially dedicated to our age group (13-15). I have never seemed to find videos for kids like me. (I’m a 14 year old guy). Most videos on YouTube usually talk about all this weight losing stuff but THERE IS A BUT, which is that they are dedicated to adults (protein shakes, this supplement, tough exercises). Let me tell you a little about my self and why I want to lose weight.
- I tend to eat for a hobby and not for hunger.
- My name is Gurnoor by the way.
- My choices are bad (pizza).
- I weight 170 pounds and I am 5’9’'.
- I am in high school so time is kind of tight (but recently I started my phys'ed course in high school)
I hope you make a video talking about weightless for teens like me and it would truly help make a positive change in my life. Thank you for your time and how your giving back to your viewers (giveaway)
-Gurnoor Sandhu"
If you would like to request a video, please send me an email using this link.
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