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Metrosexual Mike - Get Fit Over 40 Video Requests

I have a few Get Fit Over 40 Video Request emails I am trying to get caught up so here's another one for you! This one is from Chris who asks:

"Hey Mike.

Would you do a video about when you did start training and how your keep motivated.

Would you also talk about your personal style as what are your personal style as hair, clothes and facial hair style
Talking about facial hair

Thank you in advance.

Greetings Chris."

I have been into some sort of sports pretty much all of my life and started weight training back in my early teens, I'm not sure if I really have a style to speak of but I will do my best to answer these questions in this Get Fit Over 40 Video Request.

If you would like to request a video, please send me an email using this link.

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