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CrossFit Langley - Partner 100's Metcon Workout With Narration

For Valentines day my wife and I decided to go to our CrossFit Langley gym where we did a fairly short Metcon (Metabolic Conditioning Workout). So instead of going out for dinner and eating a bunch of calories, we worked a bunch off ;)

Anyway, this "Partner" Metcon workout lasted about 25 minutes and consisted of: 

  • 100 Floor Press (like a bench press but done off the floor instead of a bench)
  • 100 Box jumps
  • 100 Wall Balls
  • 100 Push-ups
  • 100 Sit-ups
  • 1000 Meter Row 

The 100 reps where split between two people as it was a "Partner" workout. The 100 reps could be split into what ever set amounts we wanted to do as partners and each activity the rep amounts varied.

The object is to get it done as quickly as possible and my partner and I did this Metcon workout in just under 24 minutes. According to my Polar Loop and H7 Heart Rate Sensor setup I burned a bit over 500 calories performing this Metcon Workout.

You can watch us work our way through this rather fun team based cardio and strength workout:

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Reader Comments (2)

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February 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCoffey27Casey

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February 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDownsBETHANY34

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