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Sandra Wickham 2014 Men's Masters Physique Competition 1st Place

I had my wife man or should I saw "woman" the camera while I was on stage for the night awards portion of the Sandra Wickham Men's Masters Physique Competition.

My wife is not really that familiar with my camera setup so we did a bit of a trial run at the morning show and had her setup to shoot video and also take a few photos while the video kept rolling for the evening show. Well somehow the camera got changed over from video mode and ended up in photo mode which is not ideal for taking simultaneous video and photo. You can only take either video or photos when in photo mode but at least I got a bit of both even though not exactly in the video resolution I was hoping for.

None the less I got some usable video and I can't really get made at my wife because I think she was more excited about the whole thing than I as.

So enjoy this rather spliced together video of the Men's Masters Sandra Wickham Physique Competition evening show and me getting the 1st place trophy :)

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    Response: Keir Majarrez
    Sandra Wickham 2014 Men's Masters Physique Competition 1st Place - Post - Get Fit Over 40
  • Response
    Response: Keir Majarrez
    Sandra Wickham 2014 Men's Masters Physique Competition 1st Place - Post - Get Fit Over 40
  • Response
    Response: Keir Majarrez
    Sandra Wickham 2014 Men's Masters Physique Competition 1st Place - Post - Get Fit Over 40
  • Response
    Response: Keir Majarrez
    Sandra Wickham 2014 Men's Masters Physique Competition 1st Place - Post - Get Fit Over 40
  • Response
    Response: Brandon Colker
    Sandra Wickham 2014 Men's Masters Physique Competition 1st Place - Post - Get Fit Over 40
  • Response
    Response: Brandon Colker
    Sandra Wickham 2014 Men's Masters Physique Competition 1st Place - Post - Get Fit Over 40

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