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Entries by Michael Kaye (965)


Road to the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 - 1 Day Out

We are in the home stretch now with only 1 day out to the Leigh Brant Muscle Classic. Today I for the most part focus on eating and getting some much needed carbs into my body as it is severely depleted going into the show. I also checkin to my hotel and the athletes checkin and get my first coat of spray tan.

Usually I head out for a burger with fries for my "power meal" the evening before the show but today I wanted to keep it a bit cleaner and so I went for some sushi as I seem to be sticking to more of a rice menu for most of my carb intake this time around.

One more sleep and it's show time!


Road to the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 - 2 Days Out

We are in the home stretch now with only a couple more days to go till I step on stage at the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic! I wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not but the changes to my body this week have been drastic, every day I wake up and I can actually see and feel my skin is getting thinner and thinner. This will keep progressing right up till Saturday morning so I am super excited to see the final results!

This video is really just me going through my day and videoing some of it for you so enjoy!


Road to the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 - 4 Days Out

On one hand I am super happy I am now only 4 Days Out from the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic since I am pushing myself so hard and there is only so long I can keep it up before my body says nope we are done now :)

But on the other hand a bit more time may be needed to get into the shape I really want to be in for the show. I am hoping I am able to accomplish more than I think in these last few days of hard dieting and busy activity...

Right now it is all about eating as little as possible and being as active as I can. Yesterday I only ate around 1200 calories yet I burned close to 1700, combine that with a BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) of around 2000 and that puts me in about a 2500 calorie deficit. If I can keep that up Today, Wednesday and Thursday that will accommodate a 3 pounds of fat weight loss in 4 days. Friday will be carbup day!

My mind is for sure playing tricks on me especially since I am so depleted and flat that even though I lost weight the last couple of days I actually look less defined since I have zero muscle fullness right now. I have to keep this in mind as I will not have that muscle fullness again until I carb back up.

In this video I go over my day focusing on what I eat and I am doing for exercise. 


Road to the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 - 5 Days Out 

We are now well into Peak Week with only 5 days left before the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic and so far the plan is progressing well. This weekend I knew was going to be tuff as I needed to stay in an aggressive calorie deficit even with some social stuff going on and no actual workout on Sunday. I did manage to get a lot of walking in on Sunday and keep my food take-in really low so over the weekend I would estimate I burned 3500 calories less than I used which would yield around a 1 pound of fat weight loss. I am currently sitting at 194 pounds so around 5 pounds under where I stated just over a week ago and I should loss another sold 2-3 pounds of fat by show time settling in just a hair over 190 before carbing up.

Carbup will be conservative and I plan to leave a little extra carbing up on show day if need be as I will probably not step on stage till around 11am-12pm based on past experiences with this type of show format. I did manage to book everything I needed to for the show on Sunday including tanning hotel stay and which categories I will be competing in (More to come on that next video).

This next 4 days is going to be harsh in terms of super low food intake and high activity but I feel really good and seeing the progress happen before my eyes almost daily is super motivating and will keep me on track.



Road to the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 - 1 Week Out

Today was the day I planned to decide if I was in fact going to compete in the upcoming Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic and much of it depended on how my body responded to a hard week of fairly severe calorie deficit dieting and I have to say I am pleased with how it went and can say I will be in fact competing 7 days from now.

I for sure have my work cut out for me but based on how my body responded this past week or so and how I feel at the moment I am fairly confident I can lose an additional 3-4 pounds of fat for the show which should place me at a competitive body fat percentage on stage. I don't expect this week to be easy but it will be an interesting learning experience finding out how a short and intense cut works for me as I have never prepped for a show in only two weeks. That said I was maintaining a fairly low body fat and decent amount of muscle going into this so I was not super far off the mark.

Watch my update video and take a look for yourself and see what I am looking at 7 days out from the show! I will be posting more videos this week as it is peak week and lots will be going on to talk about...