Daily Workout - Arms Split Workout in Home Gym
Today was a bit unorthodox! I had to leave a bit earlier today for a Mac User Group event in Blaine that I was presenting for along with my business partner. But I did have time to do a quick Arm workout - minus the Cardio and Abs portion. I was able to rip through my Arms workout in about 20 minutes and get out the door on time.
Once I got home (about 10pm) I was able to do my Cardio and a bit of stretching. Splitting up a workout is one way of making time to get your workout in, and it works really well if you primarily workout at home.
- Biceps: Standing Arm Curls with Dumbbells - 3 Sets.
- Biceps: Standing Arm Curls with Pulley Curl Bar - 3 Sets.
- Triceps: Standing Extensions with Pulley Curl Bar - 3 Sets.
- Triceps: Overhead Extensions with Dumbbell - 3 Sets.
- 10 Minutes Elliptical.
- Misc Stretching.
Total workout time: About 45 minutes.