Getting Real Series - Going Bald and Scalp Micropigmentation

This video is the first in a series of videos I hope to create for my YouTube Channel and GetFitOver40 Blog. In this "Getting Real Series" I want to touch upon subjects that at least for me I feel may be more private, so in other words I would normally not share with most people, especially the YouTube community. It is human nature to want to put our best foot forward and we all have things in our lives that we don't want people to see or know about, they may not even be all that bad but for some of us they can be embarrassing or make us feel less than adequate.
What most people, see when they watch one of my videos or talk to me in person is the person I want them to see, the person I wish I was perhaps and that is usually at their best, not their worst. We all tend to be a little this way.
My first subject in my "Getting Real Series" is the subject of going bald and this may not even just be for men, many women struggle with thinning or balding hair and this video will show people in this situation a rather interesting option to correct not only hair loss on top of the head but also in other areas like thinning eyebrows or even lack of facial hair.
There are all kinds of hair loss options out there, some to try and grow your own hair back, some to mask the effects of baldness and the most extreme measures are to surgically transplant hair back where it has fallen out. The cost for these options can vary a great deal and cost as much as several tens of thousands of dollars. Personally I am not prepared to have surgery or pay a ludicrous amount of money to have my hair back but one option that came to my attention called "Scalp Micropigmentation" looks really appealing to me in terms of the look I want to go for, the lifestyle I want to live and the cost I am prepared to pay.
In a nutshell, Scalp Micropigmentation is basically very similar to a regular tattoo but instead of getting a tattoo to create artwork on your body, Scalp Micropigmentation is used to cosmetically create the look of hair on your body, in my case it will add hair density to the areas where my hair is thinning and even over time will continue to create the look of a full head of hair as my real hair diminishes. I will have to keep my hair short since the hair being tattooed does not look like long hair but rather looks like short hair follicles, so a buzzed hair look works really well with Scalp Micropigmentation. If you have some hair on top of your head like me, you can get away with a bit longer hair even with Scalp Micropigmentation since your scalp will have a darker appearance in general making it hard to distinguish between the real hair and the added shaded hair.
Scalp Micropigmentation technicians also use different ink and needles compared to regular tattoo artists since hair follicles are rather small and so much smaller needles must be used. The ink used in Scalp Micropigmentation is also very different and is charcoal based since it must remain a shade of grey even when fading over time. Regular tattoo dyes can go blue or red over time which would lead to a very unnatural looking hair line. Another very important distinction between a regular tattoo artist and a Scalp Micropigmentation technician, is the level of training required for Scalp Micropigmentation. Scalp Micropigmentation is not something you can simply do even if you are a very good artist, you must be trained and certified or again the results will not look natural or believable.
So after a lot of research in the subject of Scalp Micropigmentation, I feel I will be moving forward with this procedure since I am comfortable with a short or buzzed head look and Scalp Micropigmentation will give me a back my full looking head of hair that I once had :) And at a price that is very affordable compared to other solutions out there. If you live in the Langley BC area and are interested in looking into this option for yourself, then you may want to checkout Studio Sashiko! I will keep you posted on my results...